Aria went for her three week check-up on Wednesday. She now weighs 7 lbs 6 oz and is 21 inches long. That means that she has gained over a pound since birth and an inch in length! Our little girl is growing fast!
Aria loves to suck, especially on pinky fingers. We've tried introducing a binky in order to free up our hands. She's gotten better at taking one, but still she prefers the pinky finger. She just can't seem to keep the binky in her mouth, and becomes very frustrated when the binky falls out, which is usually after about 1-2 minutes from the time it was inserted.
Since I spend about 7 hours of every day sitting in a chair and nursing a child, I decided that I need something to occupy my mind. Of course, I love staring at my beautiful baby girl, but seven hours a day does get a little old. Thus, I've begun listening to books on CD. Currently I'm listening to a CD about the teachings of Mother Theresea. Next I plan to listen to a book about parenting called Love and Logic. I've even got a course on how to speak German since Dane has wanted me to learn German since the day he met me. Who said that you can't become more educated while being a mother?
5 years ago
1 comment:
Wow, what a good idea! I know I read a lot when I nursed Dwight in the beginning too. Aria is SO CUTE! I love her little face. Thanks for the pictures.
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