Ever since around Christmas Zade has been in love with pomegranates. He constantly asks for them. They're hard to find at the store now, but I recently found them in the frozen fruit section of Cosco. When we have them, Zade asks for a bowl of pomegranates every day, sometimes multiple times a day, and he randomly inserts the word pomegranate into every day conversation, such as, "This smells like pomegranates."
Zade still likes to be escorted to the bathroom. He will do everything else himself, but he insists that I walk with him to the bathroom and turn on the light. (He can reach the light.) If Dane and I are both in the house Zade almost always insists that I walk him to the bathroom, not Dane. If I do not come quickly enough he begins panicking and yelling, and dancing in a circle.
Aria's is always singing one of her favorite songs: "Call Me Maybe" by Carlie Rae Jepsen, "Diamond" by Rihanna, or "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson. Yes, all female singers. She knows all the words, and managed to learn them simply by listening to the radio during car rides. If we don't turn on the radio, or if we switch songs without her permission, she gets really angry. For her, it's pop music or bust.
Aria also has this funny habit of shouting out "Mommy's right, Daddy's wrong" whenever Dane and I have different opinions on something. You can tell she's a momma's girl. She'll even say it when we're having discussions it couldn't possibly apply to. She get's a kick out of saying it.
5 years ago
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