Thursday, July 30, 2009

Crater Lake

Our fifth and final stop on our way to Corvallis, Oregon was Crater Lake. I'd already seen Crater Lake a couple of times, but this was Dane's first. The lake is an unsually deep blue.

Dane was so kind to drive the entire time on this trip. I did volunteer to drive, but he never took me up on it. Thanks to his kindness, I managed to start and finish Stephanie Myer's The Host....which for those fellow Twilight fans, is another great novel of hers that I'd recommend.
Aria has really been a great little companion on this trip. I was worried that she would scream and fret in the car, or have difficulty sleeping, but luckily, due to her sleeping and our driving schedule, she mostly slept in the car, and then when she awoke we watched some Sesame Street shows staring Elmo and she was happy.

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