Saturday, August 24, 2013

The things that come out of Zade's mouth during a single day

Zade's comment on why he sleeps with such a big blanket and multiple pillows at night....
"I like to get sweaty.  It drips down my face and feels like rain."

In a serious voice, Zade looked at me and said, "Hey mom, you should sign me up for clam jumpers."
"Clam jumpers?"
"Yeah clam jumpers."
"Okay, Zade, sure."

Zade has an imaginary friend named Carmen.  Carmen does all kinds of crazy things, and Zade likes to tell us all the things that she does.  Today Zade said that Carmen is 6 years old and that she can do flips off the wall and she's a lot better at doing flips than he is.

I told Aria that I would miss her when she goes to kindergarten. Zade said, "When I go to preschool, I'm going to miss myself."

1 comment:

Shara Blunck said...

Oh man, Zade is so hilarious! Love that kid!