Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kids will be kids

We went on a family picnic to Reid Park since the temperature is now dropping down (yes down) into the 90's. Unfortunately, the bugs are still out in abundance, so we had to defend the delicious home made pizza that Tara made from them.

We also had a family picture taken at church for the ward directory. The kids clearly weren't in the mood, but I still love the picture they took:

Aria also said a few funny things this week:

1) POTTY TRAINING: She already knows the alphabet song, but she's now learning to recognize each of the letters individually. She's also potty training, and this week, after going #2, she looked down and announced "look, the letter C!" We didn't expect synchronized alphabet and potty training.

2) BED TIME: Getting Aria to bed is a lengthly ordeal, that involves many requests, including 2-3 potty trips, glasses of milk, stories, hugs & kisses, multiple teeth brushing, saying prayers, requests for mom and dad to stay by the door until she falls asleep (uggghhh), etc.... Anyway, on this particular night, as Tara had finally settled down by the door to read her book, Aria made another request to have her blanket perfectly straightened across her feet. Tara let out a big inward sigh, and Aria exclaimed in a parental tone "calm down mom."

3) MARRIAGE: She announced that she wants to be married to mommy, and was disappointed to hear that mommy was already taken.


Tiffiny said...

LOVE the family portrait! It sound like you guys are having tons of fun raising your cute kids.

Stephen and Shara said...

Your family picture is hilarious!