Sunday, March 14, 2021

Feb 2021

Ryzen and Liza built a pretty cool block tower.
Family Valentines Dinner

Aria's Zoom dance studio (at home).
Aria has gotten into doing eye makeup. 
Bingo at the Nature Discovery School
Ryzen won some slime at Bingo. 
Great weather in February made for a nice family bike ride. 

Everest's favorite place to sleep: his hammock.  No wonder he has a perfectly round head. :)

Nova loves playing with her dolls anywhere and everywhere. 
Trip to Reno

Since all the dance competitions in Oregon that Aria was planning to do this year got canceled, Tara decided to sign her up for a competition out in Reno, NV.  

Here's Aria enjoying some pizza in the Portland airport. 

Images from their hotel in Reno.

Aria warming up for her dance competition. 
Aria and her friend Campbell. 

Everest loved swimming in the pool. 

Aria's friend Trista also came down and did the competition too. 

Aria's solo went well and she earned the score of "High Gold" and got a scholarship to attend Dancerpalooza. 
Meanwhile, back at home, the boys played soccer in the backyard. 

Aria's art work.  She's gotten into the show Miraculous, and enjoys drawing the characters. 

Lady Bug

Cat Noir
Ryzen and Everest, hanging out after school. 
Feeding the chickens in the back yard.

Zade's Party
For his annual trip around the sun, Zade invited his friends Alex, Isaac, and Langdon over to celebrate. They started it out by going to Defy. 
Followed by pizza and a piñata. 
Ice cream, cake, and Mario 3D World.  Zade had a great time. 
Everest decided to be a baby model.  I think he nailed it. :)
Nova and Emery playing the hammock. 

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