Little Aria loves to eat! you can probably tell by her churubic face. I swear I just woke up one morning a few weeks ago and her face had entirely filled out. I thought to myself, "Wow, when did that double chin get there?" She's a calm and mellow baby, except for when she wants to eat. Dane calls it "code red!" Nobody better stop her, or get in her way of food, and you better not pull that bottle away for more than 2 seconds or she'll let you know what she thinks about it. Recently I haven't had enough milk to fill her so I supplement with milk that I pump in the morning. Unfortunately, she's starting to prefer the bottle over the breast and is increasingly less effective at nursing at the breast.
I'm about ready to give up because it seems so much easier to just pump and give her a bottle, rather than fight her at the breast. It only takes me about 10 minutes to pump so it's not that much of an additional hassle. Recently Dane has been taking the 1:00 AM or 2:00 AM feeding shift so that I can get more sleep. It has helped incredibly! I feel like a new woman! Now I can actually sleep 4-5 hours in a row! To the average person this wouldn't sound that great, but to a new, sleep-deprived mom, 4-5 hours in a row is heaven sent! Unfortunately, Aria has developed a rash, or "baby acne" as some like to put it, all over her face. I feel bad seeing those red bumps all over my beautiful baby's face. Sadly, there's not really anything that can be done about it, except wait for them to go away.
5 years ago
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