Getting back into the swing of things
The kids have started getting back into their regular routines and in their free time, continue to find creative ways to play.
Home School Update
Aria started school at Park Forest Elementary last week. I had been debating putting her back in school for awhile. I love homeschooling and I really feel that she has learned a lot thus far. She has been challenging though recently, and not always agreeable when it came to completing the expectations that I had for her. I still feel that perhaps I should have at least finished the school year at home, but thankfully, the transition to public school has gone smoothly. She has a wonderful teacher who only lives a few houses down from us. She also has a lot of kids in her class from last year, and everyone is very anxious to sit by her, include her, and let her know that she has been missed. She doesn't seem at all behind in any of the math, reading or writing that she is currently doing at school. Aria says that she misses home-school, but that she enjoys public school. I don't know for sure what the future will bring. I think if Aria really wanted to try homeschooling again, that I would be willing to try again in the fall. There is something very sweet and wonderful about being home together all day with all of my kids. Some people might think that seems crazy, but we enjoyed our days for the most part. On warm days we would sit outside on a big blanket and ready books, and on cold days we all climbed in my bed with lots of pillows and blankets and read story after story. We did crafts, and cooked, sang songs, memorized poetry and had puppet shows. We have a lot of memories together. The last month or so, though, I think that I let the outside world unnerve me a little. I began to worry too much about whether we were accomplishing enough each day, instead of enjoying the process enough. I think because of the pregnancy and my calling as primary president, I let myself get caught up a little too much in tasks and not enough in realizing the long-term vision. Perhaps I am partly to blame in Aria's rebellious attitude. That being said, though, I still am not positive the home-school environment is the ideal place for Aria. We shall see how this spring goes and re-evaluate from there.
We have a roller-rink just down the street from us. Aria loves roller-skating! Zade isn't so sure about roller-skating, but the roller-rink lets the kids bring in anything with three wheels, so Zade had fun zipping around on his scooter. In the first picture, Aria is competing in the limbo. For being the tallest kid, she did really well!
A few thoughts about Zade- Right now he is absolutely obsessed with legos! It's all he ever wants to do! I've decided I'm only going to buy legos that don't come in a kit from now on though. He becomes too preoccupied with putting the kit together just right, and then when something falls apart, he gets so upset! It's much more fun, for everyone involved, when he just builds whatever creative thing he wants to, instead of trying to build what someone else created. Zade loves the idea of building things. He says he wants to be an engineer, and is always telling me about the various machines that he is going to make. Sometimes I don't fully appreciate Zade's sharp mind, but then I get around other little kids his age and I realize that Zade is a smart, little guy.
We got a nice amount of snow
The kids built a snow fort with the neighbor kids.
A couple thoughts about Ryzen- He is such a sweetheart! The other night I was feeling disappointed about giving up on home-school and resting on the couch. Ryzen came and snuggled up with me. He didn't leave my side for almost 30 minutes. In fact, he wouldn't leave until I finally got up. He loves to give kisses and is so tender-hearted. He is finally sleeping through the night and not nursing! Amazingly, it all happened naturally too, without much of any tears. He still asks to nurse sometimes, but I tell him that he is too big. At night, after we have cuddled, I put him in bed and say "Night, night," and he responds, "Night, night," and then goes to sleep.

Penn State had a joint men's and women's gymnastic meet where the men were facing Michigan and the women were facing Maryland. We'd never been to a men's gymnastic meet before, and the fact that both men's and women's teams were competing simultaneously made the meet even more fun.