Here's the design the kids chose to have me carve this year. We were all pleased with how it turned out.
Co-op Halloween
Tara decided to host a Halloween party for Zade's co-op preschool. Aria and Zade had fun trying out the materials the night before to make sure they were kid ready.

At the party itself, kids got to rotate around the house and hit different craft stations.
For Halloween this year, Tara decided to have Ryzen be a little Pumpkin.
Zade's preschool at the Presbyterian Church also had a Halloween party. Zade decided he wanted to be Darth Vader this year.
Aria's Elementary School opted to have a parade, where parents were invited to come attend and watch the kids show off their costumes. Aria decided to be a kitty this year.
All the kids in our neighborhood got together to go Trick-or-Treating. It's a little hilly around where we live, so the kids tuckered out within a hour (much faster than I would've expected.) Since we'd gone to a Trunk-or-Treat the night before that the ward had put on, we were okay throwing in the towel and heading home. The kids had a great time and collected a nice stash of candy.
All Saints Day
The day after Halloween, the Edwards had a costume party for adults at their place. Tara and I didn't have any costumes, so Tara went to the store to see if she could get a good deal on some after Halloween specials. She picked up a Dracula wig, that I wasn't interested in wearing, so we gave it to Ryzen. :)
We dropped off Aria and Zade at our neighbors, the Brushwoods, and took Ryzen with us to the party, since he's not really bottle trained yet. I went as Death, with bright red eyes that would fade in and out. I wore Ryzen in a Baby Bjorn, wig an all.
Since the party had low lighting, I had to take off the dark hood, or I wouldn't have been able to see anyone. Even without the hood, the costume looked pretty freaky.
Tara went to the party as a Ghoul Bride. Interestingly enough, we tied for the Best Costume at the party.
Here's the whole herd of everyone who went to the party.
Tara also managed to find a sweet costume for Zade to wear next Halloween: Wolverine.
Jacob and Esau
We told the kids that they could have 2 pieces of Halloween candy a day, so that it will last a while and so they don't overindulge. The kids however love to see if they can push mom into giving them more. :) Within a day or two after Halloween, Tara was getting sick and tired of Aria and Zade's incessant questions asking if they could have another piece of candy. She then announced to the kids that they could each pick out 15 pieces of candy from their loot and could eat them whenever they wanted, but when those 15 pieces were gone, they wouldn't get any more candy at all. The kids loved this idea, and quickly picked out their pieces and began celebrating. This occurred, right before bed time.
Since we usually read scriptures right before bed, I decided to read them the story of Jacob and Esau from the Old Testament, since I was thoroughly convinced that they'd just gotten suckered. We read how Esau gave up his birthright blessing, which would've entitled him to the long lastly blessing of a huge amount of wealth, but he instead traded it for a bowl of porridge, which would be gone immediately. I then asked the kids who they admired, and they said Jacob. I then told them that they were actually just like Esau, which startled them. I told them they had given up well over 3/4 of their candy for immediate gratification. Aria started tearing up when she realized what she'd done, and ran upstairs and asked mom to re-instate the 2 pieces a day policy and drop the 15 piece approach. Zade followed suit. Once we agreed on the exact times the kids would get the 2 pieces and that each time they asked for treats when it wasn't time that we'd take a treat from their candy bowls and put it in the parent's candy bowl, Tara was okay with going back to the 2 pieces a day approach. Anyway, it was a nice, unexpected opportunity to apply a lesson from the scriptures.