Last night Tara and Aria were playing make-believe. They were pretending that each of them had a baby (played by an authentic baby doll) and that the babies were sick. They dressed up like princesses so that they could find the magical medicine to make them better. (You can see in the picture below how concerned Aria was about the babies)

The medicine turned out to be fishy crackers & starburst candies, which they ended up sharing inside the pink Dora tent. During the journey, the had to zap monsters with their fairy wands so that the monsters wouldn't eat them. To add to the realism, our cat Azure jumped on top of the Dora tent while they were inside and the tent collapsed on them. :) Here they are after fixing the tent.

Zade is now getting around pretty well using his front-wheel-drive crawl (he's powered by his arms, not his legs). Here he is on the hunt for our cat, Azure.
Aria's pre-crawling consisted of rolling from point A to point B, so it's fun to see how each kid develops so differently.
Since our kids do many cute things that don't make it into pictures, we thought we should document them:
- Aria now does a really good job of entertaining herself. She takes grabs Christmas ornaments and figures from the manger scene and uses them as action figures.
- Aria is still pretty anti-solid foods even at age 2.5. The most effective ways to get her to eat are to 1) put on a movie and feed her (which we've now prohibited, since we think it's a bad habit) and 2) for us to grab food and tell her we're going to eat it all up and she can't have any (reverse psychology). Each time she takes a bite of the food I (dad) would make a pouty, scowling face, and grumpily say she's eating MY food, to which she'd cackle with laughter. One time, that latter approach changed her from refusing to eat anything for dinner to eating 6 chicken nuggets and a pile of broccoli, which for her, is a huge meal.