Aria celebrated her 2nd birthday with a bunch of her friends. We had a Dora the Explorer theme, as Aria requested, complete with Dora table cloth, plates, and cake. Here she is blowing out her candles (all by herself):

Here's the party crew, including Kevin & Rebecca Powell, with their kids Abby & Vierra, Jill Childs (taking the pic) with her kids Sara (not pictured) and Ryan, Crystal Austin with her kids Joey and Katie, and Andrea Wilson (not pictured) and her daughter Lauren (not pictured).

Here's the least blurry picture I could get at the party of Aria smiling (she was running around constantly and playing with the other kids!)

Here she is opening up her presents, and sporting a little pair of 2 inch purple heels she received. And of course, her classic cheesy grin:

Later in the evening we went to a BBQ with some of my friends in the PhD program. They all have a bunch of kids, so Aria had a blast. Here's a pic of her hanging out with Phil Lamoreaux's daughters Billee and Olivia and Dave Kenchington's son Josh. She loves hanging out with "big kids".