Aria had some funny things to say this week:
Aria: Daddy, can you bring me a toy?
Dane: Sure, here you go. It's a magic ring.
You can use it to turn people into things.
Aria: Thanks. Zap! Daddy, I turned you into a kangaroo!
Hey Mommy, Zap! I turned you into a piece of poo!
Dane: What? What did you turn mommy into?
Aria: A piece of poo!
(Interestingly enough, she picked up those choice words from mommy) :)
Later, when we were driving to go to the temple, Aria began singing the song "Follow the Prophet." Her version went like this: "Follow the Prophet, follow the prophet, he's my favorite!" (over and over again) :)
Not too long ago, when we'd put Aria to bed she'd beg us to cuddle with her or sit outside the door until she fell asleep. However, recently she's begun asking us to leave as soon as we put her down. Why the sudden change? Well, as soon as we leave she hops out out of bed and and begins putting on all her favorite outfits from when she was a baby. The "top" she's wearing in this picture is a dress she used to wear when she was 12 months old.

Aria and Zade are now in that perfect (short) window of life where they can take baths together.

And here's a little video of Zade for good measure:
Lastly, we celebrated Thanksgiving with Phil Lamoreaux's family this year, but foolishly left our camera at home, so we have no pics to share. It was a lot of fun.